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tv   Headline News  RT  February 19, 2013 3:00pm-4:00pm EST

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this is r t this morning russia demands justice for the tragic death of a three year old russian boy allegedly killed by his adoptive mother in texas but the u.s. state department seems reluctant to cooperate with the investigation we investigate also this hour. they would like us to all explanations as to why we granted him asylum why on earth newly reelected ecuadorian president ruffled carette tells r.t. he won't back down from the west after big pressure over granting asylum to whistleblower julian assange. and the courts up to four children a day caught with weapons in british schools r.t. takes a look at how of worrying trends being tackled now. hello
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there a very good morning sure if you just joined us just after midnight now here in moscow my name's kevin oh in this is r.t. first has have just been saying russia demanding answers as to why a three year old boy died allegedly at the hands of his adopted mother in the united states maxine chris meehan adds to the grim statistic of twenty russian children who have died after being adopted by americans now of course only a few weeks ago a new law came into effect in russia banning u.s. citizens from bringing russian children into their families because of the threat the fear of this very abuse earlier maria from washington gave me the latest developments today. although it seemed died almost a month ago now investigation is still continuing its theory to say exactly what happened and i mean we what were the circumstances we're already hearing from american investigators that the body of sin was covered with scratches and bruises
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allegedly he was beaten and he suffered this is what we're hearing from american doctors multiple injuries prior to his death it's also reported that mike seems parents called medics to their property but it might seem had actually died before he could be treated on that day taxes children protection services received a reported maxime's death which alleged neglect and physical abuse now russian authorities are saying that this second boy could also be in danger but this is the question was asked russia's foreign ministry as human rights envoy listen listen to what he has to say concerning this. he lives now with his adoptive father the mother whose surname is shadow is not allowed to live with the second child during the inquiry but nevertheless she can see him i think at least once a week this decision was taken by the u.s. authorities if the investigation proves the mother is guilty in the death of the child the question will be raised about the future of the second boy and of course
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the double tragedy the double irony here is that this just before the new law was introduced we were talking about a lengthier of this channel of the duma yakovlev law to. americans from adopting russians because of this fear of this very same thing fortunately it seems too late in this case may be absolutely there is another. coincidence between these two cases make seem to mean it was adopted from the same often eighteen month old dmitri. lived before he was adopted in two thousand and eight and another tragic story he died just three months after he was adopted because his adoptive father just forgot he was. in the car live in him in a parking lot for nine hours in fifty decree hate it was just too hot inside the car and the boy died they've adopted father was then accused with murder and faced up to ten years in prison but the court decided he was not guilty and let him walk
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free have been able to speak to children's rights on boats man and has explained why russia has taken such a firm stance here ok let's take a listen to fortunately it's usually months under russian child has died in the ways that the american state informs us about it and want peace it was five years after a boy died and that's how our cooperation with us works they did not inform us fast enough or the information is not reliable there are tens of thousands of russian adoptive children living in the us and we haven't got a clue about the lives of most of them there's no confirmation that they're all right and they're not being abused and of course we're across developments as the inquiry into make same status expands. absolutely reflection of talked a bit earlier on there were a lot of assisted churches in texas talking to the sheriff of the city where the tragedy happened you got a follower twitter updates and pictures were really more of that later earlier the u.s. promised to do more thorough investigation of the alleged abuse of russian children
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by a doctor for american families but who's written widely on international adoption told us there's no protection for adopted children in the u.s. no control over preventing abuse. adopted children are no more protected here in the united states whether they're internationally or domestically adopted no matter what country they were adopted from once they are adopted into a family they are treated as if they are the same as they were born into that family and there is no greater protection afforded any adopted child than there is any other child so it's only if abuse is reported there is a high demand for children for adoption and the demand is great for russian children in particular because they are cool cation and most often blond haired and blue eyed and they are from the more desirable children for adoption since most
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of those adopting are core kaizen and they simply prefer a child that looks like them so there there is high demand but russia need not commodify children and yield to that demand russians and any country can protect children better within their own country. big stories now could lead a rough caruthers promised more years of revolution up for a sweeping victory secured in the sunday spanish channel spoke to the re-elected president as a good up for his final four year run of the helm career was especially vocal of course about helping the world's top whistleblower julian a son who's been ensconced in the ecuadorian embassy in london for actually eight months knows it is. sort of yes it does in a practical sense for the practical implication of julian assange the situation is up to europe to resolve it the problem will be solved if the u.k. grants are safe passage there hasn't been any intention to disrupt the prosecution
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process according to the swedish justice system in spite of the numerous misinformed allegations see if they send a prosecutor to ecuador's embassy in britain so the recording interrogation video which they can do it would under twist this not the bodies if they really have to interrogate him at that julian assange and was never even officially presented with charges it was on his lawyer says our guards on it's lucky at the european court and achieved a safe passage for sanchez to staying at the ecuadorian embassy the situation we finally resolved. with your hands but there is a lot of arrogance involved here a neo colonial sentiment to us they would like us to offer explanations as to why we granted him asylum wouldn't they why on earth there's more they even want us to backtrack on our decision we will never do this or this will put up with this well i'll let you know if you'd like to see the full interview with ecuador's the newly reelected president on air again just over half an hour's time after a business bulletin at this hour here on out course career upset the us britain and
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sweden with that decision to grant asylum to the wiki leaks founder back in august i spoke to activist and radio show i was solomon can see on he told me there could dorian presidents enjoying popularity at home right now partly because of policies which stand up to the white house. the sentiment on the ground with most ecuadorians as well as the growing sentiment throughout latin america is that those who continue to align themselves with the u.s. unconditionally are not going to find support from the people the people who eventually are the ones who are going to be casting their ballots during these elections where has been outspoken against us the new york colonization is has been an outspoken against the neo liberal agenda and u.s. imperialism for some quite some time folks are done with this whole all model where we're going to continue to be can you know continuously in perpetuity dependent on us and it is corporate interests that that those days are done hopefully korea's very well aware of the fact that the u.s. uses net national indomie for democracy and the national democratic institute as
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organizations they go in and they're their primary role is to destabilize democratically elected governments and so it's and to topple them as ronald reagan said in one thousand and three when he started the national debt and dollar for democracy he said he wanted them to operate like the cia but just overtly and covertly. a syrian official says two mortars have exploded near one of president assad's three palaces in damascus the blast struck the southern wall of the residence in the northwest of the city causing damage but no casualties earlier though a car blast near the syrian capital did claim at least two lives brittain main times failed to convince even foreign ministers to ease an arms embargo on weapons shipments to syrian rebels although they did take the surprise step of allowing other types of aid into the country the u.k. held that move as a success saying more talks will come in three months time it's been striving with france indeed for direct arms supplies to opposition forces you may recall just yesterday u.n. investigators those say both the rebels and the government are committing war
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crimes and that those guilty should face justice at the hague for the chronicle's magazine foreign affairs editor thinks a criminal court is just a cover for a powerful outside force that's really put strings. the i.c.c. is not the forum or any country to see the justice and the power of the i.c.c. prosecutor to act depends on the will of the political masters so ultimately it's a political court the foundation of the entire and if this is the ideology of the universal political and legal culture for the whole world is the find by the post-modern west so this is really a signal which is supposed to hide the essence of this project and it is to treat bashar and his government as members of joint enterprise so i think this is just
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a choreographed farce to conceal the fact that the decision in washington has already been made but luckily bashar is proving to be a much tougher nut to crack than they expected. coming up the kids are not all right so they don't have british classrooms it seems we investigate why weapons in school budgets are becoming worryingly widespread among peoples of the u.k. as the studies revealed a catalogue of violence focusing on that also too we report from one of the most sensitive plots of land in the west bank and israel's construction plans in a key palestinian area is a couple of stories with me kevin owen after the break i did you stay with me. new year's celebrations on the move without the traditional t.v. or face to food surprising meetings and new adventures stories of love and love
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lost all russians teach foreigners to celebrate their biggest holiday of the year for must go to st petersburg by train over you. may be miracles. more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. giant corporations are today.
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or struggling to get its economy growing the u.k. is no knocking on india's trade dollars promise david cameron is in the british former colony urging it to open up for more investment the u.k. delegation includes business leaders from more than one hundred companies also several ministers and m.p.'s of what is said in fact to be the biggest ever team taken abroad by a prime minister cameron claimed india and britain were on track to double trade between them by twenty fifteen and that he wants the u.k. to become new delhi's partner of choice as he put it investors have been craving for india to free up regulations for years there's a lot of money worth they have potentially will professor serum charlie or from the diddle school of international affairs in new delhi spoke to us and he's skeptical about cameron's promise of huge trade growth in his description of relations with india as quote special. what we will see here. and in relationships that is on a level that would union and be done mutual benefits and interests between india.
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being seen as imported into france or long was here recently and there is almost like a bee line of major force they're trying to call in here. in the midst of consumption because the economy most of us in europe as you know has been completely suffered by austerity so all on one hand they're trying to buy leverage trigger an expanded on the other hand you know the shrinking of the street under these conservative policies is not going to help them revive the group and in the absence of brought you don't have these corporations going to manufacture and export goods or services so i think we have to be realistic i mean the governor of the bank of england when king himself said that we're only halfway through the global economic crisis if that is so then we are looking at two thousand and eighteen is the only statement we want to come out of this crisis so until then i think most of these targets are mostly aspirational and i would be surprised if these are not meant. now every
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parent wants to know that the school they send their kids to is going to be a safe place of course but in britain a disturbing number of pupils in class are on these days with guns knives and knuckle dusters and did a recent nationwide study shows four hundred children a day being suspended because of the threatening behavior r.t. sara first met one youth worker then for whom violence at school was an everyday norm. settlings you probably end up in a dead end job or in prison you'll be lucky to be alive when you're sixteen. you know our parent is gone our courage is not for no for. a stark insight into the reality facing some of christian schoolchildren despite having one of the best education systems in the world the latest research estimates that up to four peoples a day a coupe with weapons in british schools guns knives and knuckle dusters just some of the items confiscated by police are remember we're always searching the school
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and. gone to the school. and i see this first gun about to fire or schools are supposed to be a safe secure environment where the focus is on education the thing is surveilled that hundreds of weapons are being seized in schools every year with a number of violent incidents on the rise the reality for many schools across the way is that your classmate can quickly become your enemy and the school playground can be a dangerous place but it's not only the peoples who are subject to violence in london alone this being more than four thousand assaults on teachers by peoples if the past year is it's a shocking indication at the levels of violence school it becomes normal to. get involved in this you get sucked into this last laugh into violence the best
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approach. is it's just waking up in the morning and going for run yeah after a while it becomes normal to you stephen is now working with these charity x l p thirty nine hundred ninety six after school stabbing found apache gregan has been helping young people tackle gun culture and violence a member could come. to me when a bulletproof vest underneath a school uniform he said i'll be dead by thursday according to patrick it's early intervention which is key prison is forty thousand pounds a year a young person's secure unit is one hundred sixty five thousand pounds a year a murder can be a million pounds a year to investigate so actually you know if we intervene earlier keep kids in education keep that sense of a safe place an environment where they can grow and flourish then it is far better and that doesn't take into consideration the emotional course you know i have to deal with people who've lost their sons and their daughters the gun and knife crime
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and you can't so we have to address it earlier the problem of violence in schools is nothing new one it's not something you're likely to read about in a school prospectus and it's particularly acute in the country's deprived in a city of course schools on the whole do not want the public to know that they have a problem with children bringing weapons onto the premises so they do not readily give the information so i guess the problem is significant all they teach is can now search people's if they suspect they're carrying a weapon many theel politicians are still failing to sit up and take notice and until more is done to address the problem the children who attend these schools will continue to learn these lessons in violence so there are thirty london. just check out a couple stories on our website go to the jump right out of me amongst the many many i'm sure are going to get your teeth into greece is in the middle of a visit not the notice is reporting online at r.t.
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dot com the french president receiving a rather quiet welcome why. because a media strikes caused a news blackout but he's please keep it all very low key so online anyway i'm banking on but i did see a piece by the mysterious renowned street artist which was thought started in the u.k. came up a little while back it's not resurfaced in the united states it's up for auction to . if you fancy more that about t. dot com.
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more world news headlines a small another fatal shooting rampage in the united states this time in southern california it's thought the government killed three people in different locations across orange county before turning the weapon on him self in a stolen car police don't yet know whether the killer new is victims they're currently investigating it six crime scenes. and yemen a military fighter jets crashed in the capital it's killed at least twelve midget dozens more women and children reportedly among the victims the aircraft was on a training flight would have plunged into a building containing shops and so many people that set all place on fire and cars as well moved by it how big change square in some now with the revolution which after the previous leader two years ago began. in bahrain mercenaries and pack mourners who were trying to attend the funeral of a sixteen year old boy killed during an anti regime protest last week government forces have been heavily deployed in their views toxic gas against the crowds violence still plagues the kingdom even though the first peace talks between the opposition ruling monarchy held on february fourteenth. thousands of rioted in the
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west bank's two largest cities in support of hunger strikers held in israeli jails israeli forces dispersed dozens of palestinians who blocked a road in one city while some staged a protest near a u.n. office in another demonstrators want the e.u. to take action for better treatment for the ailing prisoners and back their release public anger flared up over uncertainty about their fate with claims are in a critical condition and they're being wrongfully detained in the first place. despite growing anger in the west bank and u.n. calls to stop settlement expansion there israel showing no intention of freezing its plans late last year the israeli government pledged thousands more homes in the long disputed area known as the one is a vital corridor or between large palestinian areas well middle east correspondent paula slate reports next on how the construction of prove fatal for any potential future palestinian state its rugged and remarkable landscape largely empty but full
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of meaning this is one of the west bank's most sensitive pieces of real estate for fourteen years plans to build here have existed but were kept on hold but all of that changed last november less than twenty four hours after the u.n. general assembly recognize palestine is a nonmember observer state television fast track to construction plans here prompting the palestinian government to call it a slap in the face of the entire world. this plan to build here is not legal according to international law which states that when one country occupies another it can and change facts on the ground israel is doing exactly this while also getting people out of the land soley for the benefit of the settlers. known as the one this controversial patch of earth exists between east jerusalem where palestinians aspire to establish the capital of a future palestinian state and the huge israeli settlement of ma'ale adumim it is the last remaining corridor between the large palestinian cities in the west bank
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and if plans go ahead in the israelis extend this area it would cut into a big chunk of the west bank effectively driving a wedge into the middle of any potential palestinian state critics have warned that filling the space with jewish homes amounts to a doomsday scenario effectively striking a fatal heart attack to the two state solution but for now the plan is to build a garbage dump in this valley with the waste that comes from jerusalem and then in about twenty to thirty years when it's full to build a park on top of us here. but palestinians fear it's part of a long term strategy to extend the one and to build new israeli settlements it's not surprising this is not the first time that such a plan is submitted it is a part of ongoing policy that has been growing for years now. to grab palestinian lands but first the israelis need to get rid of the people who live here among them around three arab jerusalem neighborhoods and one hundred fifty
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bedouins for whom this has been home for nearly half a century mohammad cushion is angry he says tel aviv doesn't want him and his tribe here but it also refuses to allow them to return to their original village in the make of desert from where they fled after the creation of the state in one nine hundred forty eight when. it was discrimination they give the settlers everything they want we're as we do not ask for anything besides laying in the land and they want to evacuated us our children live surrounded by walls it's like being in a prison one of them they will grow up and will not make peace in the future with the israeli side. tel aviv complains the bed when camps were set up illegally without permits. and stand in the way of urban planning but critics say this is just an excuse for a land grab it makes me furious this dump site is going to harm the environment and it's going to harm the health of the people and they make it harder and harder to find a solution for the situation demolition orders have already been issued threatening
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to destroy the last remnants of bedwyn life in these hills and while israeli officials say the construction anyone if it happens at all is many years away it cuts to the heart of the israeli palestinian conflict which fundamentally is about the land and the fate of the people who live on it policy r.t. in the west bank. all of wild lands for just over thirty minutes time or an hour to the next big neighbor talked to us our interview with the newly reelected president ecuador here after the business bulletin which is coming apart of this short break . wealthy british style. markets. can. find out what's really happening to the global economy
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with max conjure for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kinds a report on our. welcome to the future to the finish as world class athletes descend on sochi brand new olympic venues are kept safe by high tech sensors behind the scenes congestion battling infrastructure digs deep and deals hard to get thousands where they need to be it's a building boom fueled by clean energy research is pretty new life into gold medal dreams the race is on. day here on. the central.
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live. live. live live. live.
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live. live live. live . hello there welcome to business i'm katy perry and thank you for your company now after teaming up with weston or mages last year to explore in the russian arctic russia's biggest oil company ross staffed is on a quest to call the east but company's chief executive igor search is holding talks in japan right now on the final leg of an eastern tall which included trips to
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south korea and china ross nafta recently obtained licenses to develop tuol of sections of the continent to show which have huge untapped reserves an estimated ten billion tons of oil and seven trillion cubic meters of gas now seven of these sectors have already been offered to the west with america's exxon mobile collaboration's have already been made with its list and a norway status as well for shelf development but now wants to have is turning east and earlier today i spoke to stuart elliott from industry group plans on rough sniffed east about. western and international investors strategic partners are only really interested you could argue in rosneft because it gives them access to the russian market so. the chinese and japanese companies that are going to form these ventures to explore b.p.
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and the like who are joining up with rosneft partnerships in the arctic is about gaining access to russian reserves the key will be worth the rosneft get something back in return if b.p. or exxon mobil start giving rosneft big big chunks of their business elsewhere in the world if that happens then nothing runs north will be less of a russian company or more of an international global major in the same way as shell b.p. exxon chevron and others bought all eagle sections incentives for all chris tracing such a trick or think goes a number of reasons behind why rosneft is looking eastward as you say he's already been west they've made some important strategic partnerships with the likes of exxon mobil and b.p. as we know but the bigger markets if you like the consumer markets for oil and gas to the east so china and japan china particularly is a huge market for oil and gas and already has a supply deal in place we've seen p.c.
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the state owned chinese oil company and now it's looking to expand its partnership with other companies sinopec that they've agreed to look at increasing the amount of oil they send to sign a paper. japan clearly is a huge market for oil and gas they don't have any resources of their own and i think rosneft is looking at ways to cement their relationships with these big customers is it flows last year as a company how crucial all these partnerships are to tap into these gas reserves one hundred percent. critical for rosneft to do what they're doing with chinese and japanese companies you know. rosneft is already the biggest oil producer in russia it produces an awful lot of gas too it's the number one that has the backing of the russian government you could argue. and of course don't forget they are buying b.p. which was or is the third largest oil producer in russia and it's going to become
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by far the world's biggest oil producer once it's completed the acquisition of b.p. and a lot of people believe that by teaming up with the chinese and japanese for offshore exploration it's a way of kind of just building relationships between these companies with the future in sight of increasing the supply of oil and gas to those countries once rosneft becomes this huge vietnam we have off of oil and gas reserves and don't forget the offshore russia is extremely vast and in terms of hydrocarbon reserves and staying with russia billionaire vladimir paul time has become the first rough surf on the tycoons to join bill gates and warren buffett chassis campaign the giving pledge now this is the idea it was originally set up to encourage the world's wealthiest people to give away some old perhaps even hall of their fortunes
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to charity right now i'm joined by tatyana pulley a cave in the c.v.s. the hell eighty eight now tell me i know up a ton and so ok he owns a part of the cause that he's a metals and a media magnate as well as an ace tell me more about was rather well the yellow knows how to rise to incredibly generous fellow right if it was him or it was him or patani i'm one of those russian tycoon who made their fortunes off of the collapse of the soviet union you know privatization in the number of sectors including metals and mining is now our the fourth richest person in russia and won all of the fifty fifty wealthiest people in the world and he. fortune's estimated as more than fourteen billion dollars will seem to be about seven that are not pretty and i believe it will it will last because he's actually already quite heavily involved in charity and three years ago he promised to give his entire
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fortune to charity and not to his three children even explained himself saying that's an inherited million and helps a person to get education and a good job for us and then herit the bill is probably the case with his children kills personality well if i was told i would be happy. thrilled about it as i do support for the probably because they are sportsmen and they like to achieve things that maybe they just did before. is this maybe a good example to set. giving you billions away from going to good obviously it is a very good example but unfortunately in russia giving such a large scale charitable donations a very new phenomenon and probably experts say it's because. unlike the west russia doesn't give any attacks in sound like you are using the nation's right yeah
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absolutely and i suppose that's why there's so much more people in the us troop being away that money. last year was warren buffett gave away three billion dollars then he's followed by mark zuckerberg he and his wife gave away half of bill and you see both of them other member of the giving pledge campaign so they keep their words as among thieves here as new karma says richard branson's some villain there is from thailand germany australia russian prime em all together it's now more than one hundred people and their estimate of collective fortune more than half. trillion dollars wow. ok where's it going though i could probably this is not an organization that this tribute from margaret yes claridge that you give publicly that you give away the
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majority of your wealth to charity either during your lifetime or after your death and you can go back you know i suppose can you what you've done that you've done a lot of good stuff a lot of really can only go to a good place i think it is a fantastic thing to pledge to do and you know boy if i was one of the children i might not think so thank you certain of that any thanks indeed for that bob. i live search out some markets and see what's happening with the u.s. markets and show it yet we have indeed go get a u.s. trade as they returned to their desk such that it's off to a holiday for presidents day as the first of the week for wall street then as you can see u.s. stocks they are indeed getting actually now loitering around a five year high again on optimism coming from europe's biggest economy germany with rising in vest confidence data that's the big news of today that brings us all to europe that is probably no surprise that we ended up with impressive guys you just look at the dots in germany i for one and
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a half percent as i say it is optimism that europe's largest economy will bounce back strongly following a contraction in the final quarter of twenty twelve fueled investor confidence today and lifting the london market as well to within a touching distance of a new year high now the standout stock today was that she the york make a done not it jumped over five percent and that softer announcing plans to slash around nine hundred jobs not is due to the downturn in year out let's check out the currencies and see what happened to the russian ruble that finished up the day you can see it's actually higher to the u.s. dollar just a bit lost out to the drug that a common currency the the year. it is a most sky again feeding off international positive momentum from germany you can see that the r.t.s. nine tenth's up pretty much the same for the mice it's just a no no in a coup attempt to face one of the biggest game is today an aeroflot one of the biggest losers down
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a percent so winners and gain as. exclusive interview with the newly reelected ecuadorian president rafael correa stay with us about. new year's celebrations on the move without the traditional t.v. or festive mood surprising meetings and new adventures stories of love found and love lost all russians teach foreigners to celebrate them biggest holiday of the year from moscow just petersburg by train moving you. may be miracles. we are facing a lot of problems. because no one thought to drink no good school. minutes when you feel south park.
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ave a local what's not enough wealth is a law in the local needs you want a community l.n.g. motion will be used. to give to young for match up artist i was fired about how most fights. fights. are right. choose your language. holy week over the internet they still some of. the pews the consensus here can. choose the opinions that you think great to. choose the stories that in time good night. choose the access to to off.
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he says. he. gets to. say. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so for langley you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realized everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture. hold it hold it hold it hold it hold it hold it hold it hold it
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players. live. pls. lists. hello mr korea thank you for a time first of all congratulations on your victory thank you alina and thank you r.t. i'd like to take this opportunity to send the warmest regards to latin america and the whole world saw. us last year julian assange this case turned up polemic so all over the world what goes that ecuador perceived by granting him political asylum.
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only make up a game. thank you and thank you r.t. i like to take this opportunity to send the warmest regards to latin america and the whole world. that the bottom of the belabor me why all the polemics when sweden which is already provided political asylum to numerous latin americans does it again will that story a polemic as well so he asked the practical implication of julian assange situations it is up to europe to resolve the problem will be solved if the u.k. grants him safe passage so there hasn't been any intention to disrupt the prosecution process of the swedish justice system in spite of numerous misinformed allegations if they send a prosecutor to ecuador's embassy in britain and record the interrogation on video which they can do it would on twist this not that is if they really have to interrogate him julian assange was never even officially presented with charges. as lawyer but as our guards on this is lucky at the european court and achieve safe
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passage for a son who is staying at the ecuadorian embassy the situation will be finally resolved it is all now in europe's hands ecuador has done what it had to by exercising its sovereignty our country isn't obliged to ask permission for it or to explain it all the more so to apologize for using its rights over sovereignty. but i have said so at any that's right but now it feels as if julian assange is trapped and then we'll see forever can you see any way out of it at all you should ask europe it is now up to the u.k. to. sweden and the european courts to find a way out instead when could we expect a solution to this problem do you think. any day now with the consent of the u.k. but there is a lot of arrogance involved here and a neo colonialist sentiment too they would like us to offer explanations as to why we granted him asylum why on earth there's more they even want us to backtrack on our decision but we will never do that do you also think that julian assange is
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maybe extradited to the us rather than sweden save us odds are it could happen before granting him asylum and we had studied mr assad just case for a few weeks finally we concluded that he had every reason to ask for it so we are satisfied of his request but what i also think. we may say that it wasn't only you who won last night. and a victory as well returning to his homeland you were among the first who came to visit him in cuba dedicated your victory to mr chavez how would you describe his current health and when do you think will he be able to get back to work. even if you had seen him prior to the operation which was beyond all doubt it was extremely complex it wouldn't have occurred to you that he was sick or you would have found him in his normal state and in a cheerful mood and moreover he looked fine but the operation was extremely
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difficult and we all knew that as far as we know he's now recoveries and the fact he could make it back to his dear venezuela is such good news in that he loves cuba but venezuela is his homeland so i'm pretty sure this will be the best remedy for hugo but anyway we wish him the speediest recovery but on that little bit as you know he better not be that on yielding in a perverse thing he did after having returned to venezuela was congratulate me on my victory as you know i wish he could put it to one side everything that's going on in latin america for at least a week and focus on his recovery. do you think that's possible no. no it's just my wish but i know it won't come true yet there are. a lot of assuming this won't be able to get back to performing his duties are you ready to take over in latin america last. seen a similar mess is happening when i'm always asked that i'm sorry but it shows you are unaware of what is going on in latin america nobody is striving for the
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headship here hugo chavez is a born leader and there's no competition in trying to upstage the others nobody thinks i'll be the next leader but if you go keep the post article the deputy leader said this is not our situation our goal is to serve our people i guess i can speak on behalf of christina. who go juma and other stakeholders of this historic transformation in latin america that we don't strive to get things for ourselves with everything we do is for the sake of the people that we will always try to provide our people with what they need even if we talk about a working class citizen who is working hard on a daily basis in the construction industry or an agricultural worker and so forth even the president himself we aimed at serving our people and not wishing anything for ourselves when a. bomb has been reelected and so has been. the same applies to us leading figures in this hemisphere continue to hold their positions so what is the
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probability of change in the region given that the key players are the same what kind of change do you mean those changes that the members of this alliance have hope for for example regarding the civil revolution i mean it's sad but true but you know what happened so i believe the president obama is a nice man but he has changed nothing in american foreign policy that they don't have a date sure he continues to talk about human rights while torturing prisoners in guantanamo and that it's enough for a bloody dictator who destroys his own people to be an ally of the us to become a great democratic rule to him. the us will support and invite him to washington to deliver speeches. but if we don't back washington they will portray us as dictators and accuse us of violating fundamental freedoms like the freedom of the press and unfortunately this is not changed in years again i'm convinced that barack obama is a very good man and a very good citizen but he hasn't changed us foreign policy at all especially when
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it comes to latin america and we do need to have it changed because this double standard policy is no longer tolerable now. after winning the election you sad that your goal is to make the revolution irreversible. what do you need to do in order to achieve this goal latin america's problems is that it is ruled by the elite and that is not some advanced elite looking for a common good that is the elite that usurped the fruits of technical progress and refusing to share them with anyone they even set up exclusive neighborhoods a living you know that. my arrival at the recent elections says that i allegedly represent the elites is what i suggest you go and have a look at the place where he lives with its swimming pools and doors that have keycard locks i would never be allowed to go in i simply wouldn't i said so they live in these isolated neighborhoods cut off from the whole world with their own
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elitist schools which don't provide the best education but it's so expensive that only the rich can afford to see these rich guys marry their equals and then so do their kids in order to perpetuate their domination and basically they have their own exclusive clubs so this is the elite that has taken over all of latin america and these are the power institutions that used to rule us the capitalist state that represented the interests of the minority and barred access to all other social strata in the revolution is all about transforming the existing power balance between citizens according to the interests of the majority and putting people above capital ready. just like europeans i mean we are also oppressed by the tyranny of capital we need to make these capitalist states people oriented for the benefit of all of us with no discrimination we have already achieved a lot but things may roll back that's the message i'm trying to get across to ecuadorean we must do our best to keep these changes in the balance of power and to make people the leading force in our country rather than bankers or corrupt mass media or domineering states or international bureaucracies like the i.m.f.
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or capitalists in particular those capitalists who set the tone that before the citizens revolution people have an incredible trust in you and your government and your popularity has been growing after all these years i guess that is how would you explain that our dear friend the president of argentina cristina fernandez that said one of the reasons is that governments are now similar to the people in the past governments were trying to imitate a foreign model in an attempt to meet foreign interests they spoke spanish thinking in english if they were thinking at all and now governments work honestly and openly not without mistakes but these people are willing patriots can give their all for the good of people they represent so people finally get a sense that their government protects their interests what it does is give a lot do you thing ecuador will be like in four years quarter they have we will certainly not be able to tackle all the problems by the end of my terms among other latin american countries ecuador is first in terms of reducing poverty and the gap
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between rich and poor and considering latin america is the tops region in terms of social inequality our economy is one of the most fast growing we have the lowest unemployment rate of four point one percent but in spite of all these achievements it would not be possible to tackle all the issues poverty remains an acute problem and so does unemployment and social inequalities but it's important that the country stays on this passes and develops in terms of social justice is a quote this is a concept that we presented to the entire world this is a concept of a life full of dignity as i mentioned it's very important to change the balance of forces in this land. ecuadorian people are the most important aspect rather than bankers media or foreign states in this country the priority is placed on people rather than money capital you've said this is your last presidential term after we should would no longer run for office i can't imagine that such a strong individual like you would leave without having finished what you've started as it would be simply impossible to finalize everything over the four years he said oh. it's true but there are
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a lot of other people who would finish building our new homeland if i've been undeservedly happy my entire life before the presidency i was a university professor i was teaching economics and i was wearing jeans t. shirts and sneakers to my lectures he said in this presidential office i've been happy as well i've been trying to do my utmost for my homeland when i leave office god willing as it is i will continue living happily with my family which is very important to me to pay to have my dear ones had to go through a lot when i became president in terms of my private life confidentiality this is due to security issues i mean there has been different threats and terrible attempts at undermining my reputation so i feel that i owe a loss to my family knows this you said it yourself that the that my presence here is very significant so if i remain in politics i couldn't help but influence the next president so we're very thorough in terms of selecting our personnel so in my case following my four years in office advice i intend to give up politics completely opposed it. well said. since you mention your family we were told that
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you personally drive your son to school and yes i took my children to school this morning in the very next day after the election. i have to get back to my routine as quickly as possible to tell you the truth such events can quickly get you off track from my family isn't staying here at the palace we're still living in an ordinary middle class house in the north of quito in a set up in a state where we still have to observe safety procedures and stay under surveillance cameras and my wife and daughter are as courted by security guards some may actually enjoy that but for eight i don't it's one of the key disadvantages of being a president and you're always surrounded by security people you always feel threatened and you cannot hide your private life a large number of people hate you and try to find your faults to justify their hatred towards you and enjoys that out of the case well thank you very much for this interview and once again congratulations.
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